3 Types of Therapy for Better Mental Health

3 Types of Therapy for Better Mental Health

If you're considering therapy, you've probably already noticed the significant amount of available therapy options. Some can help with a wide range of issues, while others work best for specific conditions. During therapy, you will work closely with a trained mental health professional. What happens in each session will depend on your therapist's preferred methods and what you wish to address. No matter what, you can expect to spend time talking about the way challenging situations, behaviors, and emotions affect your life. In most cases, patients have to work through distressing thoughts and adverse events, and though it may be difficult at the moment, they have the potential for a more fulfilling and happier life. Our experts on counseling in Richmond, VA, offer these common types of therapy and how to choose which is best for you.

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy is an action-focused approach to treating mental health. It is characterized by the belief that certain behaviors present themselves because of things you learned in your past. Some of these behaviors may cause distress or affect your life negatively, and behavioral therapy will assist you with changing any negative behavioral responses. In behavioral therapy, you won't spend much time working through difficult emotions or talking about unconscious reasons for your behavior; instead, this therapy focuses on ways to change behavioral reactions and patterns that cause issues.

Behavioral therapy is often an excellent option for addressing:

  • Phobias
  • Anxiety
  • Substance abuse disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Defiant and oppositional behaviors
  • Behavioral issues that result from emotional challenges or communication difficulties.

Humanistic therapy

This approach explores how your worldview affects choices you are making, especially ones causing distress. This treatment is based on the belief that you are the best person to understand your needs and experiences. It works to help you understand better the things you're experiencing and offers support and guidance without interpreting your feelings. As a result, your therapist will help you work towards living the most fulfilling life possible by allowing you to explore your true self. You will determine the best ways to increase self-acceptance and grow while discussing any issues you're dealing with.
Unconditional positive regard is another principle of humanistic therapy, meaning that your therapist will accept you, even when they disagree with you on things.

Humanistic therapy is beneficial in coping with any actual or perceived negative judgment from other people. This therapy allows you to be the one directing therapy sessions. Your therapist will step in when you need them to, but aside from that, they will be listening to you actively and asking you questions occasionally to be sure they understand what you are talking about.

This therapy can help address:

  • Feelings of being lost in life or worthlessness
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Substance use disorders
  • Difficulty coping with chronic health conditions
  • Trauma effects
  • Relationship issues
  • Depression

Psychodynamic therapy

This therapy was developed from psychoanalysis and is a long-term approach to treating mental health. During psychoanalysis, you might talk about anything on your mind to uncover behavior and thought patterns that may contribute to stress. It is also common to discuss your past and childhood and any fantasies or recurring dreams you may have. During this therapy, you will work with a professional to explore your connection between your actions and the unconscious mind. This deeply involves examining your relationships, emotions, and thought patterns. Psychodynamic therapy is a longer-term approach to treating mental health and an intensive treatment form that people can attend for years. Research confirms that people who use psychodynamic therapy tend to improve long after treatment ends.

Psychodynamic therapy is excellent for addressing eating disorders, somatic symptoms, depression, substance use disorder, anxiety, and various other conditions.

These are just a few of the different therapy types available for you to explore. Contact us today to learn more about counseling in Richmond, VA, and for more information and guidance on what therapy will be best for you.

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