Indications That You May Benefit from Trauma Therapy

Indications That You May Benefit from Trauma Therapy

Most people in our country experience a traumatic event at some point in their life. However, most people do not address their trauma accurately. Troublesome mental health problems can develop if an individual does not seek adequate trauma therapy services after encountering a traumatic event. People sometimes pretend that everything is fine and that the trauma they experienced has not affected their life. This, however, is not a healthy reaction. You can address any traumatic events that you have experienced over your lifetime and develop the tools you need to effectively move forward with the help of trauma therapy services with counseling in Richmond, VA.

Trauma at a glance.

Trauma occurs when a circumstance or event is significantly overwhelming for you. Typical responses to trauma include feelings of stress, helplessness, horror, and fear that can inhibit a person's ability to cope with the situation effectively. There are various potential traumatic experiences, including:

  • Being in a natural disaster or accident
  • Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse
  • Losing a family member or close friend
  • Neglect
  • Being in a war zone.

If you fail to address a traumatic event you have experienced, you might develop physical and mental health conditions like heart disease and depression. Seeking trauma-informed care is critical when you have an unhealed trauma. Unfortunately, in many situations, people fail to recognize that the symptoms they are experiencing are trauma-related and result from a lack of treatment. Experts offer the following signals that you may be fighting unaddressed trauma in your life.

Cognitive signals

Every person who battles trauma will experience different symptoms. However, one clear signal is a loss of cognitive functioning. For example, you may experience flashbacks or nightmares that put you back into the trauma you suffered. In addition, you might experience confusion, disorientation, and mood swings that make it challenging to engage in daily tasks. You may also find that you struggle with difficulties emotionally like anxiety, shame or guilt, anger, depression, irritability, shock, or an overwhelming sense of fear.

Behavioral signals

Behavioral changes and issues can also be a result of trauma. For instance, a person may choose to avoid activities or places that make them think about the traumatic event they experienced. As a result, they may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed or become withdrawn from friendships. In addition, they may become victims of obsessive behaviors like checking door locks compulsively.

Physical signals

You may be easily startled if you have experienced some form of trauma that can cause edginess and heart problems. If you are focused on searching for the next possible hazard, you will become extremely alert. This may lead to feelings of exhaustion or excessive fatigue because you cannot sleep well during the night.

Unresolved trauma can take a considerable toll on your life. If you need trauma-informed care, please call us today to set an appointment for counseling in Richmond, VA. We are here to support you and help you find a better way of life. We are fully committed to your mental health and wellness.

Contact Us

Please fill out the form below or call us at (321) 424-3174

1323 McDonough St. Apt. B Richmond, Virginia 23224

(321) 424-3174

Monday - Friday 9am-5pm

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