How to Schedule a Therapy Appointment

How to Schedule a Therapy Appointment

Going to therapy can be a bit scary, especially your first time. You might be anxious about what is supposed to happen or what you should say to family and friends if they have questions. You might be worried about whether you have chosen the right therapist and how to make the most out of your sessions. These are very normal concerns to have. Unfortunately, American culture has perpetuated several myths about counseling and how we should care for our mental health. The nature of privacy involved with therapy may be partially responsible for not disproving these myths.

It is common for people to feel nervous about starting therapy. A therapist's job is to help you work through these feelings with you. When you find a therapist who is a good match, you will develop a therapeutic relationship. It is essential to feel comfortable with your provider because the more open you can be with them, the better therapy will work for you. It can be overwhelming to figure out where to start if you have never seen a therapist before. Our counselors in Richmond, VA, offer the following information on scheduling a therapy appointment.

Consider what you hope to get from therapy

It may seem pretty obvious, but it is one of the first questions your therapist will ask you. What DO you want to get from therapy? Are there general relationship problems you want to address? Or are you more worried about a relationship with a particular friend or loved one? Do you struggle with anxiety? Or are you dealing with terrible panic attacks and hope to learn new coping mechanisms?

No matter your goals, honing in on them will help you and your therapist address them. And don't be worried- your objectives can evolve and change in time. This is just a great starting place.

Make a list of therapists who interest you

There are a variety of different therapies and therapists available. It would help if you researched different therapy types to determine what you are most interested in. Once you have a firm idea of the types of therapy you are interested in, you can find a therapist to fit your needs. It is essential to feel comfortable with your therapist to get the most from the process. The best way to determine whether you will feel comfortable with them is to schedule a consultation.

Schedule consultations

The best therapists will expect patients to schedule phone consultations before booking their first appointment. They will never pressure you to pay for a therapy session without an initial consultation. The consultation is designed to help you determine if you will be an ideal match for each other. You should consider whether they have the expertise to address your particular issues, if you feel comfortable talking to them, and if they seem like a good listener. Once you find someone who feels like they may be a good fit for you, schedule an appointment for your first session.

We hope this helps you schedule your first therapy session. Contact us today for counselors in Richmond, VA. We are here to help you get to a better place.

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1323 McDonough St. Apt. B Richmond, Virginia 23224

(321) 424-3174

Monday - Friday 9am-5pm

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