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Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, otherwise known as bipolar affective disorder, is a mood disorder that used to be called manic depression. Bipolar disorder causes a person's mood to swing from extreme lows to extreme highs. The depressive symptoms can include low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, lack of energy, and suicidal thoughts. In contrast, the manic symptoms of this disorder can include agitation, impulsive behavior, excitement, and increased energy. Some sufferers also experience psychot...

Panic Attacks and Panic Disorders at a Glance

Panic Attacks and Panic Disorders at a Glance

Panic attacks are sudden episodes of extreme fear that trigger intense physical reactions when no apparent cause or real danger is present. A panic attack can be highly frightening. When panic attacks occur, you may feel like you're ultimately losing control, having a sudden heart attack, or even dying. However, most people experience just one or two panic attacks throughout their life, and the problem goes away because perhaps a stressful situation has ended. On the other hand,...

Steps Toward Healing from Past Trauma

Steps Toward Healing from Past Trauma

Experiencing trauma can cause lasting impacts on your life. Trauma can leave you feeling afraid, hopeless, sad, or confused. You may not understand how to move forward with your life, whether your trauma occurred yesterday or whether it happened years ago. Living with trauma is never easy. When you want to overcome your trauma and start the journey towards healing, you will want to start taking these steps. Recognize Your Feelings Many people may want to blame themselves...

Why You May Need to Take a Mental Health Day

Why You May Need to Take a Mental Health Day

When life is constantly moving and your schedule is always full, it can be difficult to take time for yourself. Prioritizing your self-care is essential in caring for your mental health. Although life may seem too busy to actually take time for yourself, this is a great reason to take a mental health day. Taking a step back from all of your responsibilities is just one way to boost your mental health, as our experts in counseling in Richmond, VA suggest. These are a few reasons why you may ne...

How to Set Boundaries (and Actually Stick to Them)

How to Set Boundaries (and Actually Stick to Them)

Are you tired of telling yourself that you are done doing certain activities? Do you spend time toiling over how to let people down easily? When you do not want to do something, you should not spend hours worrying about other people’s hurt feelings. Setting boundaries can be a difficult process, but it can lead to a life without burden and with self-care as your priority. When you are always saying yes to things you truly do not want to do, it may be time to set some much-needed boundar...

5 Common Tips to Relieve Your Anxiety

5 Common Tips to Relieve Your Anxiety

While many people believe that anxiety is a mental disorder, it can also manifest itself with physical symptoms as well. When someone is suffering from overwhelming or intrusive, anxious thoughts, they may have sweaty palms, fatigue, headaches, or heart palpitations. As counselors in Richmond, VA, we provide coping strategies to help people overcome their battle with anxiety in their daily lives. These are a few of the most common tips used to relieve anxiety. Get Away from Your Sc...

6 Reasons Why You Should Go to Counseling in Richmond, VA

6 Reasons Why You Should Go to Counseling in Richmond, VA

When you visit a counselor, you can gain insights into your thought process or learn a new perspective that can help you adjust your thinking and cope through tough times or struggles. As experts in counseling in Richmond, VA, we help our clients overcome tough times or difficulties with mental illness. These are a few reasons why you may find yourself in need of counseling. You are Always or Easily Overwhelmed While life can be stressful from time to time, you should no...

Is Your Loved One Suffering from Depression?

Is Your Loved One Suffering from Depression?

Have you noticed that your friend or family member has been acting more withdrawn, isolated, or sad lately? When you recognize that these emotions persist over time, you may be wondering whether they are suffering from depression. Depression affects millions of people across the globe, and it can cause your loved ones to distance themselves from you and others. As counselors in Richmond, VA, we help many people combat the effects of their depression and learn how to cope through these challen...

Dealing With Trauma

Dealing With Trauma

Trauma is a severe issue in the world of mental health, and rightfully so. Co-occurrence of trauma and other mental health problems, like substance abuse, is highly prevalent, and every individual will likely encounter some form of traumatic occasion at some point. Regarding mental health, trauma is a pandemic issue–we cannot evade the effects on ourselves, our neighborhoods, and our families. Fortunately, healing from these incidents is a prospect, and although you may not al...

Psychotherapy: Putting in the Hard Work

Psychotherapy: Putting in the Hard Work

You've taken the initial step and bravely reached out to a professional counselor; you've established goals, taken measures to trust the process, and let yourself experience vulnerability in the therapeutic relationship. In these foremost steps toward personal growth, you've achieved a great deal, which should indeed be honored. For many who want change, these first few phases can be daunting. However, for those who are brave enough to accept these initial steps, favorable change ...

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(321) 424-3174

Monday - Friday 9am-5pm

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